Welcome to the “Jobs for Felons in New York” page on ReeCareer! We understand the unique challenges individuals with criminal records face when searching for employment opportunities in New York. However, we firmly believe in second chances and are dedicated to providing information and resources to help felons in New York find meaningful employment and reintegrate into society. This page is specifically tailored to felons seeking employment in the state of New York.



We recognize the difficulties faced by felons in New York when seeking employment due to their criminal history.

Legal Considerations:

An overview of the laws and regulations in New York regarding employment and the rights of individuals with criminal records.

ReeCareer’s Commitment:

Our commitment to connecting felons with employers in New York who are open to considering their qualifications, skills, and potential rather than solely focusing on their criminal past.

Job Search Strategies:


Help felons assess their skills, strengths, and interests to identify suitable career paths in New York.

Resume Writing and Cover Letters:

Guidance on creating compelling resumes and cover letters that emphasize transferable skills and achievements, increasing the chances of securing interviews.

Job Interview Preparation:

Tips for felons to effectively prepare for interviews, including addressing their criminal history when necessary and highlighting personal growth and rehabilitation.

Felon-Friendly Industries and Jobs in New York:

List of Felon-Friendly Industries:

Highlight industries in New York that are known for being more open to hiring individuals with criminal records, such as construction, hospitality, healthcare support, customer service, transportation, manufacturing, and skilled trades.

Job Profiles:

Provide descriptions and requirements for various jobs for felons in New York within these industries, showcasing potential career growth opportunities.

Employer Assistance Programs in New York:

Fair Chance Act:

Information on New York’s Fair Chance Act, commonly known as “Ban the Box” legislation, which restricts employers from inquiring about criminal history until later stages of the hiring process.

Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC):

Explanation of the federal tax credit available to New York employers who hire individuals from certain target groups, including felons.

State-Specific Bonding Programs:

Details on bonding programs available in New York that offer employers insurance against potential losses related to hiring individuals with criminal records.

Job Search Resources:

Online Job Boards:

Curated list of online job boards and resources specifically tailored to felons seeking employment opportunities in New York.

Reentry Programs in New York:

Information on local organizations and programs dedicated to assisting felons with job readiness training, job placement, and ongoing support during the reintegration process.

Legal Assistance:

Resources for individuals seeking legal aid in New York to navigate the process of expungement, record sealing, or obtaining certificates of rehabilitation.

Success Stories:

Inspiring Stories:

Real-life success stories of felons in New York who have overcome challenges and found meaningful employment, showcasing the possibilities of rebuilding a life after a criminal conviction.


Feedback from employers in New York who have hired felons and experienced positive outcomes, highlighting the benefits of providing second chances.

Additional Support:

Community Forums:

A platform for felons in New York to connect, share experiences, offer support, and exchange advice on finding employment opportunities within the state.

Career Counseling:

Information on professional career counselors in New York who specialize in assisting individuals with criminal records in their job search and career development.

At ReeCareer, we believe that everyone deserves an opportunity to rebuild their lives and contribute to society. We are dedicated to supporting and empowering felons in New York on their journey to finding meaningful employment and a brighter future.