To come across suitable housing is going to be a challenging endeavour for anyone, irrespective of who the individual seeking housing is. In such circumstances, it becomes important to remember that if one has been convicted in the past, navigating the housing landscape might become tougher still. This is primarily because of the stigmas associated with felony convictions.

In this article, we will take a look at the difficulties that felons might face when they seek housing in Texas.

Seeking housing for felons in Texas

As a felon, when one seeks housing in Texas, one may want to go about it proactively and strategically. One of the ways of going about it is to look for apartment complexes or rental properties that state explicitly that they are felon-friendly or facilitate housing for felons in Texas. Your bid is likely to deliver the best outcomes if you make the best use of online platforms or seek guidance from local social service organizations.

Private Landlords: A Potential Solution for Felons in Texas

If a felon is seeking renting solutions in Texas, he’d come to see that private landlords will be more flexible in rendering their services. Large property management companies have their limitations. However, private landlords enjoy more discretion concerning their decision-making.

When approaching private landlords, it is recommended to be honest when communicating about your criminal history and emphasize your commitment to rehabilitation.

Keep your rental application for homes and apartments in Texas strong

When applying for rental properties in Texas, keeping your rental application robust is going to help. Character references should be shared at this time and if you can demonstrate a steady income, your landlord will perceive you as a reliable tenant.

You may choose to take the services of co-signers who’d pay the rent if you fail to do so. Similarly, when you can demonstrate a positive rental history, offsets associated with your criminal record are generally subsided.

Keeping transparent and honest

When you inquire about rental properties in Texas, it is best to keep transparent in your communication. Honesty is the best policy, even though you’d be tempted to not share any information about your conviction. When interacting with your potential landlord, you should be discussing the positive changes in your demeanour since the conviction took place.

Availing of Re-entry Programs and Support Services in Texas

In Texas, just as in many other states, re-entry programs and support services are on offer which aid individuals with criminal records to successfully reintegrate. So, a felon should be reaching out to organizations that specialize and render aid and assistance for felons on the grounds of rehabilitation, housing support, job support, legal rights, and other essential services.

Know Your Rights in Texas

Understanding tenant rights is important, even if one has a criminal record. Criminal history is not explicitly covered in the Fair Housing Act. But, guidelines by The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) discuss discriminatory impacts.

In a few Texan cities, “Ban the Box” policies have been set into motion. They offer guidelines on when and how landlords can discuss criminal history.


ReeCareer is one of the most important organizations that forward tailored support for felons in Texas. Their top services on offer cover information concerning apartments and homes in Texas, including legal rights and housing options.

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